28. November 2024

PRIMACYT introduces FDA panels of Cynomolgus and Beagle as new product lines.

In preclinical drug safety assessment animal models are well established methods as routine laboratory practice to evaluate the pathological alterations induced by novel therapeutic agents. Novel therapeutic targets are being identified through proteomic, genomic and bioinformatic approaches. The preclinical evaluation studies serve a major role in the development of new treatments prior to trials in humans. Several research tools for protein and RNA analysis are needed that enable rapid and efficient assessment of toxicity as well as target tissue distribution.

Traditionally, histopathological techniques have been applied for general morphological evaluation by hematoxylin and eosin (H&E) stain, and also for evaluation of specific biomarkers by immunohistochemistry (IHC). This immunohistochemical methods rely on the availability of specific antibodies. More recently, RNA in situ hybridization (ISH) technologies have evolved as an attractive alternative method for pathological evaluation of biomarkers in tissues from various preclinical animal models using nucleic acid-based probes specific for biomarkers associated with drug toxicity.

To provide researchers with the required tissue panels, PRIMACYT now offers tissue panels from Cynomolgus monkey and Beagle dog. Dieter Runge, Managing Director of PRIMACYT stated: “We are pleased to announce that we can now provide multiple tissues from Cynomolgus and Beagle, two commonly used animals in pre-clinicals safety studies.” Reference panels for the hematopoietic, reproductive, respiratory, nervous and cardiovascular system, as well endocrine and exocrine glands, gastrointestinal and urinary tract and soft tissues and skin can be made available as frozen tissues or Formalin embedded (FFPE) tissues.

PRIMACYT Cell Culture Technology GmbH

Hagenower Straße 73
19061 Schwerin